Wednesday, January 23, 2008

TweetScan is Twitter-sweet

I know this has probably been blogged to death – but I’ve just discovered “TweetScan” - the ‘Real-Time Twitter Search’.

I had heard about TweetScan a little while back – but didn't really do anything with it except bookmark it onto however a ‘tweet’ came through just the other day about how "Sylvia" was starting an @teachablemoment account on Twitter – so “Teacher Twitters” could “help another teacher with a shoutout” and help them “inspire and create teachable moments for our students .".

However, in order for everyone who ‘follows’ @teachablemoment to see all of the other followees’ ‘shoutouts’ they would need to either – follow everyone who follows @teachablemoment or grab the RSS feed via TweetScan and put it into their RSS Aggregator (like Google Reade. r)

So I followed the instructions of how to do this .

And since then I’ve found another cool use for TweetScann. @tombarrett put out the following tweet:

So I was interested in who might respond to @tombarrett’s ‘shoutout’ – and immediately thought of TweetScan – and I could see:

In a short space of time, @tombarrett had over 15 Twitters saying ‘Hi’ to the group of School Leaders he was demonstrating Twitter to. I hope they were impressed. I am – as I’ve found another really cool Twitter tool to play with, along with:

Twitter Karma - view who you follow & who follows you - simply & easily

Tweeterboard - see how you 'rank' in the world of Twitterers

Twitter Board - see how other Twitters are linked to you through your tweets

Snitter - get 'live' Tweets

TwitterWhere - find a Twitterer by their location - there could be a Twitterer right next door!

Amongst a number of other Twittery sites I’ve been viewing.

From the use of TweetScan I was able to find and follow a Twitterer in New Zealand - who works at a 'Polytec' - so I'm hoping we might have some 'vocational training' things in common.

Happy Twittering!

1 comment:

Ross Isenegger said...

You might enjoy my post at about a similar site for wikipedia